Apple iPhone

Posted in Mac, Me, Uncategorized on Aug 17, 2007

fernyb iphone

Finally. I have an Apple iPhone. Now I am can be cool too! jk.. but seriously I have an iPhone.

I got the 8GB model. Oh yeah & on a sidenote I also got the new Apple Keyboard it kick ass!
Check out my flickr photos

5 Responses to “ Apple iPhone ”

  1. # 1 sahira Says:

    Thanx 2 me lit brother IPHONE GOOD DEAL ???? LOL

  2. # 2 FernyB Says:

    yes, thank you sister.

  3. # 3 apoorva Says:

    most over rated and useless phone, according to me….i trust only symbian phones(like the amazing n95 8gb black) or something that runs windows mobile 2006…

  4. # 4 fernyb Says:

    I like apple products and I grew with a macintosh so that being said anything windows based just doesn’t have the same feel.

  5. # 5 apoorva Says:

    ok…no wonder you went and got yourself an iphone…have fun with your iphone then…

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