
Posted in Me, Other, Uncategorized on May 09, 2007

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Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internetHello everyone. I have Joost you know that IPTV beta software. It’s cool, I like it. Do you want an invite from me? I have lots of invites to give out, if you want an invite just leave a comment with your Name and Email and I will send you an invite. Your welcome.

Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet

93 Responses to “ Joost! ”

  1. # 1 Antonio Says:

    I love the programs that you built thanks for all your hard work I would love a joost invite thank you and take care!

  2. # 2 Gary Says:

    Hey, can I get an invite. My name is: Gary and my email address is:

  3. # 3 Juan Says:

    An invitation to please thanx.

  4. # 4 gigel Says:

    I’d appreciate an invite to Joost. Thanks

  5. # 5 Josh Says:

    Can you send me an invite?

  6. # 6 Helmut Says:

    Hey Fernando,

    I just wanted to swing by and say Thank You! for sending me the invite. I really appreciate it.

  7. # 7 Av3ng3r85 Says:

    Thanks for the Joost!

  8. # 8 Innocent Says:

    Hey Fernando, I love using lyfox although yahoomusic recently changed their format of videos and I hear you were working on an flv version.. Would love to see that.

    Anyway, please send me a joost invite—->

  9. # 9 Asram Says:

    Hi I’d like an invite to joost if you have any left

  10. # 10 Fox Says:

    If I’m not late my email is…thanks in advance

  11. # 11 Ben Says:

    Hey, if you’ve still got some invites my email is


  12. # 12 Dave Says:

    Please send me an invite again. I didn’t receive it yet. Thanks.

  13. # 13 Cza Says:

    i stumbled upon your site yesterday…nice. cool stuff you have here, specially that program that lets you get the videos from yahoo. anyway i would like an invite

  14. # 14 reini Says:

    If you have an invite left i would glad to have it
    please sent it to

  15. # 15 Chandler Says:

    Hey man, if you have any invites left, that’d be awesome!
    chandlerne (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. # 16 Thorben Jess Says:


    If you have an invite left for me it would be awsome.
    Thank you and greetings from Germany

  17. # 17 Elliot Says:

    Hey, Can I have an invite,thanks! My

  18. # 18 Abel Says:

    hey bro if u got any invites left i’d appreciate it — my e-mail address is — thanks in advance

  19. # 19 Alex Says:

    If you have any invites left I would appreciate it.
    Name: Alex
    Email: aanewman4 (at)
    Thanks alot

  20. # 20 Aaron Swenson Says:

    Please invite me

    Aaron Swenson

  21. # 21 tommy tran Says:

    invite me please i would like to try this out

  22. # 22 JMR Says:

    I would like to get invited if I may.

  23. # 23 JMR Says:

    ooops! jmr911(at)

  24. # 24 Salman Says:

    Hey can i get an invite please… thnx!

  25. # 25 Dioness Says:

    I would really like an invite!!!
    My email is

    More thanks!

  26. # 26 John Says:

    I would love an invite mate. Thanks!


  27. # 27 JMR Says:

    To those who got an invite from Ferny, will you please email me an invite too please. Payback Ferny’s good deed. You may email it at jmr911(at)


  28. # 28 Damon Alfaro Says:

    I would love an invite from anybody. My name’s Damon, and my email is thanks

  29. # 29 adrian Says:

    can i have an invite ma email iz

  30. # 30 JMR Says:

    No replies so I just INVITED myself. 🙂

  31. # 31 Tarun Says:

    Joost invite please? Thanks!

  32. # 32 Serg Says:

    Would like to have an invite, Thanx.

  33. # 33 Rene Says:

    big thanks!

  34. # 34 Manny Says:

    It sounds like a good deal. JOOST.


  35. # 35 Damon Alfaro Says:

    i’ve got an account so if you need an invite, send me an email at

  36. # 36 Justin Thompson Says:

    Trying to get an invite for Joost.

  37. # 37 remould Says:

    Hey! send me a joost invitation. my name is Remould & my email is Thanx.

  38. # 38 nick Says:

    an invite would be really cool of you thx, nick-

  39. # 39 Steve Says:

    Hey! Thanks for all you work. I would love an invite to Joost if you still have some!

  40. # 40 Carrie Says:

    can i get an invite for joost too !!

    thanks a lot =)

  41. # 41 Chris Caringella Says:

    hey whats up ferny? long time since i’ve heard from you, but i too would like a joost invite if they are still available. Thanks alot man.


  42. # 42 Chris Caringella Says:

    by the way e-mail at

  43. # 43 fernyb Says:

    Invites have been sent out… to everyone who has posted.

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