Twitter / MySpace Crosspost
So I use Twitter and overall I like it. It’s cool I post whatever is on my mind at the moment. Sometimes I wonder why I even posted that… but anyways I have created a crosspost script. Update your Twitter status and at the same time update your MySpace status so your, myspace friends can see it.
Written in PHP.
Twitter Follow:
December 12th, 2007 at 6:32 pm
Pretty slick. Add Facebook too and this is a uber killer idea.
April 4th, 2008 at 5:46 pm
Just downloaded your script. Nice job. However, it doesn’t seem to post to MySpace. Any ideas?
My username and password is correct.
April 4th, 2008 at 6:09 pm
Well , MySpace has changed their site a bit, so it needs some modifications. Other than that issue, I think it will keep working.
April 6th, 2008 at 9:03 am
This is pretty slick and is exactly what I have been looking for.
One suggestion, tho.
Can you add fields to enter the unames and pwords?
Storing them in a script is not exactly secure.
And most browsers will remember that stuff after you enter it once.
Just my two cents worth.
Again, thanks! And good luck with the next version.