Archive for the ‘Hacks’

iPhone firmware

Pwnage Tool 2.0

Yesterday was the release of Pwnage Tool 2.0. Immediately I downloaded the tool although I was having trouble actually trying to download it, I guess their server was being hit.. anyways, I was using wget to download it. Well after I manage to download it, of course I unlocked my iPhone first generation with firmware 2.0. What does this mean? It means, I can have my iPhone be more like a computer, now I can connect to it via ssh, and use T-Mobile if I wanted to.. Official third-party apps continue to work. It’s better than ever.

If you need to unlocked firmware for your own phone download it here..

How to use the custom firmware? simply just plug your iphone holding the power button and the home button for about 10 seconds and iTunes says you are in recovery mode. That is a good sign. After you need to option click on recover button to browse for the unlocked firmware. Then just sit back and let iTunes do whatever it does.. Enjoy.

Posted in Downloads, Hacks, iPhone, Uncategorizedwith 4 Comments →

Twitter / MySpace Crosspost11.03.07

Twitter MySpace Status Update

So I use Twitter and overall I like it. It’s cool I post whatever is on my mind at the moment. Sometimes I wonder why I even posted that… but anyways I have created a crosspost script. Update your Twitter status and at the same time update your MySpace status so your, myspace friends can see it.


Written in PHP.

Twitter Follow:

Posted in Hacks, Me, PHP, Projects, Uncategorizedwith 4 Comments →

Facebook source code08.11.07

Over at facebook secrets have published the main index php source code to facebook. Some how it was released to the wild although it is not confirmed weather this is actual real life code or weather it’s fake. If it is real code there could only be two ways it was released, either the developers secretly released it or it was somehow hacked. I have a feeling it is fake.

Posted in Hacks, PHP, Uncategorizedwith 2 Comments →

FOX 11 News : “Hacker Gangs”?08.05.07

So here is a video clip of FOX 11 News’ so called “hacker gangs” report. I found it interesting….

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update: phpGAMV07.04.07

Update: phpGAMV, So this 4th of July besides programming I went skateboarding to the park but it was closed which totally sucked and ruined the entire day. So I went skateboarding behind Giant store and it was alright, it was way too hot. I also had time to fix GAMV (Get AOL Music Videos) I fixed the web based version not the application. So have fun using it and enjoi…

Posted in GAMV, Hacks, Me, Programming, Uncategorizedwith 27 Comments →

update: phpLyFOX06.03.07

Update: phpLyFOX is working again. Although some video’s do not show but for the most part it’s working again. I don’t know for how long it will work. See it could be done. One question and leave your answers in the comments. Will you pay for phplyfox if it was payware? or would you just say F that I’m not gonna pay for anything..?

PHP Source Code:

Posted in Downloads, Hacks, phpLYFOX, Uncategorizedwith 158 Comments →

MySpace API04.15.07

MySpace does not have an API so while being bored and trying to find something to do. I wrote some code to create a homebrew/homemade API so its the unofficial MySpace API by me. So go ahead and use it do whatever you want with it. A link back to my site would be really cool or at least some credit.

I wrote some documentation for this and you can test it out here aswell. Go to: It is also available for download so you can use it with your own server.

Posted in Downloads, Hacks, Other, PHP, Programming, Projectswith 16 Comments →

SQL Injections01.30.07

So I found this site its kinda funny. They have major issues with their sql queries. check it out for yourself.

Posted in Hacks, Programming, Uncategorizedwith 8 Comments →

PSP 3.03 Downgrader to 1.501.28.07

Fuck yeah! Finally, I get to use all these wonderful homebrew apps. I have a PSP firmware version 3.03 and today I have downgraded to 1.5 then to the custom 3.03, now I can use the good stuff. Oh yeah! OMG this is a day in history. [digg]

Posted in Hacks, Me, Other, Uncategorizedwith 1 Comment →

View ANYONES! Photos on MySpace – Update01.16.07

It no longer works.

So sometimes you know people on myspace that only let specific users view their profile that is their profile is in private mode in any case you want to see the photos they have. So I tried this on a few profiles and it freaking worked I was able to view the profiles photos and let me tell ya its soo cool. hahaha.
Thanks to the guys over at for this one, thanks dan. Here is the link try it yourself (watch out its full of ads).

Posted in Hacks, Other, Uncategorizedwith 4 Comments →

Listen to with the Roku SoundBridge01.14.07

Update: Listen to your streaming radio on the Roku SoundBridge Using makes it really simple to listen to your music on the soundbridge. If that is what you are looking for then check out it out!

Updated Post

So a while ago, maybe 7 months ago I bought the Roku SoundBridge and I do like it. Recently I have been listening to a lot of to my personal radio / loved tracks. So while listening to I didn’t always want the computer to be on so I googled to see if there was any solutions. I found one but it was some kinda server written in python. I didn’t test it but from the read me file it seems you need to have your computer turned on. Which is what I am trying to avoid. Now I came up with my solution.

It’s basically a controller. You can use your a PSP that is if you have one, I do so I use that to control it when I am away from my computer. It uses a playlist file to play your radio stream. So not only can you use this playlist file with the roku soundbridge but also with other media players and its controlled via a web based controller.

It is written in PHP.
You can download it here.

It’s super easy to setup. Just open the config.php file with a plain text editor and insert your username and password. The password need to be in md5. With Mac OSX you can open up Terminal and get your md5 that way. Type this in the termnial.
md5 -s [your_password]
of course replace [your_password] with your actual password and it then will generate an md5. If your on windows I don’t know how you would get an md5 but I found this app useful to get the md5sum. .zip file contain the md5.exe. Enjoy.

Oh yeah before I forget you will need a web server with php installed and with cURL. Thats it.
If you need a free php web host then here is a list or you can always just search for one, although it’s always best to just buy web hosting its not expensive.

Posted in Downloads, Hacks,, Programming, Projects, Uncategorizedwith 16 Comments →

Yahoo.Music .FLV12.23.06

Okay so here is the update on yahoo’s flash video .flv. After doing some poking around I learned that they use something called RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol). So I was looking deep and I just could not yet find a way to download the videos in .flv.

Here are my notes I took down while I was poking through all that shit it also includes the files I looked at. View My Notes
Oh yeah and here is the video I was watching while I was trying to figure all this stuff out.

Posted in Hacks, Other, Programming, Projectswith 5 Comments →

Music.Yahoo now using Flash video12.17.06

So I was over at and I was browsing the site so I search for Acceptance, a band I like, and I clicked on the video to try and watch it to see what would happen. I was surprise to find out that now mac users can watch music videos over at yahoo. Since they show them to you “Youtube Style” in other words in flash video. I then checked the & and it seems yahoo has not yet change things on those sites. So if yahoo changes to all flash video does that mean phpLYFOX & LyFOX are doomed? Now maybe there is a way to download those flash videos from yahoo and transcode them into .mp4.

Posted in Hacks, Mac, Other, Uncategorizedwith 7 Comments →

phpLYFOX Update12.17.06

phpLYFOX has been updated. Changes made: added playlist support.
Tell me what you think and suggestion are always cool.

Posted in Hacks, PHP, phpLYFOX, Programming, Uncategorizedwith 11 Comments →

Bake Your Cookies12.16.06

Here is a script I wrote in PHP it shows you your own cookies yahoo music gives you after you login. So say you are making some kind of app and need cookies for yahoo music then use your own. Here you go donwload it:

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