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Lastbridge – Add Friends Stations/Playlist02.14.08 new feature
New Feature out now. Add your friends radio stations and playlist.

Posted in,, Projects, Ruby On Railswith 1 Comment →

Listen to with the Roku SoundBridge01.14.07

Update: Listen to your streaming radio on the Roku SoundBridge Using makes it really simple to listen to your music on the soundbridge. If that is what you are looking for then check out it out!

Updated Post

So a while ago, maybe 7 months ago I bought the Roku SoundBridge and I do like it. Recently I have been listening to a lot of to my personal radio / loved tracks. So while listening to I didn’t always want the computer to be on so I googled to see if there was any solutions. I found one but it was some kinda server written in python. I didn’t test it but from the read me file it seems you need to have your computer turned on. Which is what I am trying to avoid. Now I came up with my solution.

It’s basically a controller. You can use your a PSP that is if you have one, I do so I use that to control it when I am away from my computer. It uses a playlist file to play your radio stream. So not only can you use this playlist file with the roku soundbridge but also with other media players and its controlled via a web based controller.

It is written in PHP.
You can download it here.

It’s super easy to setup. Just open the config.php file with a plain text editor and insert your username and password. The password need to be in md5. With Mac OSX you can open up Terminal and get your md5 that way. Type this in the termnial.
md5 -s [your_password]
of course replace [your_password] with your actual password and it then will generate an md5. If your on windows I don’t know how you would get an md5 but I found this app useful to get the md5sum. .zip file contain the md5.exe. Enjoy.

Oh yeah before I forget you will need a web server with php installed and with cURL. Thats it.
If you need a free php web host then here is a list or you can always just search for one, although it’s always best to just buy web hosting its not expensive.

Posted in Downloads, Hacks,, Programming, Projects, Uncategorizedwith 16 Comments →

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