Archive for the ‘Other’


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Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internetHello everyone. I have Joost you know that IPTV beta software. It’s cool, I like it. Do you want an invite from me? I have lots of invites to give out, if you want an invite just leave a comment with your Name and Email and I will send you an invite. Your welcome.

Joostâ„¢ the best of tv and the internet

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MySpace API04.15.07

MySpace does not have an API so while being bored and trying to find something to do. I wrote some code to create a homebrew/homemade API so its the unofficial MySpace API by me. So go ahead and use it do whatever you want with it. A link back to my site would be really cool or at least some credit.

I wrote some documentation for this and you can test it out here aswell. Go to: It is also available for download so you can use it with your own server.

Posted in Downloads, Hacks, Other, PHP, Programming, Projectswith 16 Comments →


Update: I finally built my computer this week and I installed OSx86 on it. Although since now I have two machines I kinda just want one machine, So I kinda also thinking of buying one of the newer versions of the mac which runs on the intel processor that way I can use VMware or Parallels to run Windows & Linux. Since I built my machine I’ll still use it for the time being. Oh yeah I almost forgot here are some photos on my flickr page.
So I am building my first computer, yay! for me. eh whatever…. Anyways since I will soon have Windows & Linux installed. Maybe I’ll make lyfox work better on windows perhaps include that one button download people are requesting. I am thinking installing a frankenstein version of OSX onto it since OSX is now intel based, We’ll see how far I get.

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ln -fs [source] [target]03.18.07

So today I used the ln utility or link utility, so here is how you make a symbolic link, trust me they are very useful especially when you have external Hard Drives.

Open the Terminal. Type, cd ~/ that will put you in your home directory.
Okay now. look for your target, in my case I was practicing some Ruby On Rails stuff because I am a noob at it. Not stupid just new with it and I don’t always have time, anyways the case is that I keep all my RoR files in my external hard drives which has the path /Volumes/Mac\ HD/FernyB/~ror

I get tired or typing that everytime so I finally created a symbolic link in my home directory. So now I type
cd ~/~ror and that will drop me into the directory where I keep my RoR files which again is /Volumes/Mac\ HD/FernyB/~ror

To create the symbolic link type ln -fs /Volumes/Mac\ HD/FernyB/~ror ~/~ror
So now when I am in my home directory all I type is cd ~/~ror and this will put me into the /Volumes/Mac\ HD/FernyB/~ror directory. So if I type pwd the path will show as /Users/FernyB/~ror.

See that is why symbolic links are cool….

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Net_Growl = PHP + Growl02.17.07

So today I was messing around with php & growl. So here is tip for getting started. First download growl if you dont have it already. Next install the php pear package

Once you have all the set-up. Go into your System Preferences and go into the Network tab in the growl settings. While in the Network tab make sure you click on “Listen for incoming notifications” & “Allow remote application registration” and set the password. I set my password to “123456”

Now type this piece of code.

The first time you run the file through your web browser OSX will prompt you with a message.
Just Click Always Allow unless you have a reason not to.

So once you have done everything from above you should now see a message like the one below.

Wasn’t that cool! so here are the all my files I used.

Posted in Mac, Other, PHP, Programming, Uncategorizedwith 5 Comments →

PSP 3.03 Downgrader to 1.501.28.07

Fuck yeah! Finally, I get to use all these wonderful homebrew apps. I have a PSP firmware version 3.03 and today I have downgraded to 1.5 then to the custom 3.03, now I can use the good stuff. Oh yeah! OMG this is a day in history. [digg]

Posted in Hacks, Me, Other, Uncategorizedwith 1 Comment →

View ANYONES! Photos on MySpace – Update01.16.07

It no longer works.

So sometimes you know people on myspace that only let specific users view their profile that is their profile is in private mode in any case you want to see the photos they have. So I tried this on a few profiles and it freaking worked I was able to view the profiles photos and let me tell ya its soo cool. hahaha.
Thanks to the guys over at for this one, thanks dan. Here is the link try it yourself (watch out its full of ads).

Posted in Hacks, Other, Uncategorizedwith 4 Comments →

I use Last.fm01.13.07

I use and I got to say its very cool. I used but I never liked it much. I like the idea. On the other hand I also used and I got to say I love it. I actually did find new music by different bands/artists. So when I’m hacking/programming I like listening to because its always the music I like and yes I am a paying subscriber to

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My Last.fm01.13.07

So here is my songs. I am not sure if this will work. It just might work.
I am listening to. Capitol K – Pillow its freaking awesome.

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Revolution OS01.08.07

Revolution OS a documentary about GNU Linux. Its cool, I like it. check it out.

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LyFOX For Linux01.03.07

LyFOX for linux is out and I think it’s the better one than the one for Mac or Windows. It was edited by Bryan. The linux version of LyFOX lets you download the music videos with only one click as oppose to the mac and win versions. So download that and check it out. It’s awesome. Oh yeah I don’t host the linux version so go to his site.

You can also download LyFOX for linux from here LyFOX Linux

Posted in Downloads, Other, Programmingwith 13 Comments →

Happy New Years!12.31.06

Happy New Years Everyone!

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Free Website Templates12.31.06

This is the last day of the year and tomorrow is the beginning of a new year. So to celebrate I will share what I found over at digg. Premium access to thousands of website templates get them while they are hot.
Uername: 2007ny
Password: free

Posted in Downloads, Other, Uncategorizedwith 2 Comments →

Maps Lat/Lon – Update12.29.06

Okay so I am trying to create this cool map. I won’t go into detail but this is where you guys come in, If anyone knows how to retrive the lat/lon from a map, that is when you click on an area of the map it should return the lat/lon. Lets say you don’t the address of a location then how can you geotag it? Other than clicking on the map and tag it that way. So please let me know if anyone knows how to do this. thanx.

Okay nevermind now. I have this all figured out.

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Yahoo.Music .FLV12.23.06

Okay so here is the update on yahoo’s flash video .flv. After doing some poking around I learned that they use something called RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol). So I was looking deep and I just could not yet find a way to download the videos in .flv.

Here are my notes I took down while I was poking through all that shit it also includes the files I looked at. View My Notes
Oh yeah and here is the video I was watching while I was trying to figure all this stuff out.

Posted in Hacks, Other, Programming, Projectswith 5 Comments →

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