So even if you have never set-upped a Rails Application to Production server there is still hope for you. Introducing Passenger a mod_rails for Apache… Make it super simple to deploy apps just like PHP. Check it out over at modrails.comÂ
I have finally unlocked one of my iPhones, so now it can run on t-mobile. Luckily I have two iPhones one that I mess around with and the other which I do use on a everyday basis. If incase anyone wants to use my custom firmware I created here it is for download, I assume you can put your iPhone into recovery mode and use the custom firmware to get your phone unlocked. Always be aware of you are doing.
When ever I use the Zend Framework and I want to use the mvc components I always need to create the structure, though it can be a bit of a pain I have wrote a script to speed up that process. The script I wrote will create the mvc framework for you. It downloads a copy of it and uncompresses it. Check it out. on DZone
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While I read post by post about FriendFeed I try to ignore it until today, it got me, So I signed up and you know what? friendfeed sucks, I don’t get it… Everyone is raving about it, it just seems to be everywhere you read. It just seems like a jaiku clone with some extensions. So case in point I have an account with friendfeed and there is no point to friendfeed nothing new, nothing original, & nothing creative. It almost seems like friendfeed could be a feature in a social network then it would make better sense..Â
It has been a long time that since I last did some serious skateboarding, maybe too long. I still continue to skateboard just not that serious about it as some of my friends are. They have taken it to the next level. Take a look at this video of a friend I used to go skateboard with when I was in High School. It’s a cool video.
Here is a PHP Snippet I wrote. It’s a cool trick to for calling multiple methods in a much simpler way. Inspired by Ruby’s ActiveRecord.
<?phpinterfaceMember{functionlogin($username,$password);functionupdate($status);}class BaseimplementsMember{publicfunctionlogin($username,$password){echo"You will be logged in as: {$username} with Password: {$password}\n";}publicfunctionupdate($status){echo"Your New Status Message is: {$status}\n";}publicfunction__call($method,array$argv){if(preg_match('/^do_*/i',$method)){foreach(explode("_and_",substr($method,3))as$k=>$v){$param=array();foreach($argv[$k]as$value){$param[]="'{$value}'";}$param=join(", ",$param);$code='$this->'.$v."({$param});";eval($code);}}}}class UserextendsBase{publicfunctionsay_hello($message){echo"Message: {$message} \n";}}$usr=&newUser();$usr->do_login_and_update(array("username","password"),array("Hello World"));# Prints the following:# You will be logged in as: username with Password: password# Your New Status Message is: Hello World#$usr->do_login_and_say_hello(array("username","password"),array("Hi how are you?"));# Prints the following:# You will be logged in as: username with Password: password# Message: Hi how are you?#$usr->do_login_and_update_and_say_hello(array("username","password"),array("Hello World"),array("Hi how are you?"));# Prints the following:# You will be logged in as: username with Password: password# Your New Status Message is: Hello World# Message: Hi how are you?#?>
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Meta Programming is code that writes code. See the code sample below.
I have made a screencast of this process. View it here
#!/usr/bin/env rubyclass Productdef initialize(items)items.each{|item|Product.product(item)}enddef self.product(item)code=%Q{
def add_#{item}(item)
@#{item} = [] unless @#{item}
@#{item} << item
def display_#{item}s
@#{item}.each {|item| puts item }end}class_eval(code)endendclass Item<Productdef initialize(*items)super(items),:computer,:music)cart.add_book(:Ruby)# => Add a book to our cart itemscart.display_books# => We want to display All books we have addedputs"\n"cart.add_computer(:Apple)cart.add_computer(:Dell)cart.add_computer(:Sony)cart.display_computers# => Display All Computersputs"\n"cart.add_music(’Modest Mouse‘)cart.add_music(’Northstar‘)cart.display_musics# => Display All Music Items
Posted in Programming, Rubywith Comments Off on Ruby Technique: Meta Programming
It is official is out for public consumption! Again for those who are lost and don’t know what this “LastBridge” is it’s for listening to your radio stream on the Roku SoundBridge.I have made a screencast on How To use LastBridge. If anyone still needs help or just want to leave your opinions on this project, leave a comment or two. Thanks.Enjoy!
What? What is this? Well, yeah… it is another project of mine. I call it LastBridge, like the name? its original… anyways.. So LastBridge is a web app for users of the Roku SoundBridge like myself. Basically you can listen to your music on the SoundBridge without having to install anything or hosting any files. I previously wrote the same thing in a much cheaper less good looking way, in PHP. This time I have rewritten it using Ruby On Rails. As soon as I release it make sure to check it out.